If you are interested in AI and labor, I strongly recommend attending this event with Susan Athey (whose works you have read); the presenters are among the most senior in this area.
Two of the teams for the case studies have been pushed from April 8 to April 15 to accommodate rescheduling a guest lecture.
The groups and assignments for case studies have been posted in this page below. These presentations will begin after spring break and there is no need to start working on them now; this is purely for planning and scheduling purposes.
The Columbia AI Summit is Tuesday, March 4 (there are sessions both before and after class); you should at least browse the program and may want to consider attending.
The Columbia AI Alignment Club has a policy reading group that requires submitting an application by January 31 to join; many of these topics are ones that we will not focus on in this class, so if you are interested this could be a good option.
Film Forum is doing a film festival around AI through January 30; many of these films touch on themes that will come up in the class. I would encourage you to check them out.
The class has been moved to IAB 405 going forward, which has more room and should comfortably fit everyone who attended the first lecture and may want to sit in.
The course TA is Amiya Kumar ([email protected]). Please contact her for all questions about course logistics.
The first lecture will be Tuesday, January 21, 2:10-4 PM in IAB 501A.
Welcome to INAF U6545, Spring 2025 at Columbia’s School of International & Public Affairs.
<aside> 👉 Each reading will be flagged with a comment about how much to read. In general, most of the references below are not intended to be read in full detail. Do not get unnecessarily concerned by the number of readings listed each week. These include, for example, [full] if intended to be read carefully in full, [skim] if intended to quickly skim to get the gist (an important skill), [optional] if optional, or [intro, section 2] if only those sections should be read. The full set of readings and assignments are posted for the entire semester, but note that any readings or assignments in future weeks are subject to change.